Journals and magazines
Poetry International, Two Poems by Guy Jean Translated by Alyssabeth Knerr (including interview):
Asymptote, Guy Jean from Air Triste, Translated from the French by Jen Lagedrost and Catherine Fagan, July 2015 :
Tupelo Quartely, TQ1, 2013,
Ping Pong 2011: Literary Journal of Henry Miller LibraryBig Sur, California, 70-79
The Arava Review
Contemporary Art & Poetry Review, Fall 2011
The Associative Press. Literature & Arts Journal
1.2 (Fall, 2011)
Winter-Spring, Vol. 40 (University of Iowa), 39-41.
The Semi-Annual from the University of Virginia, Issue 26, January 2011, 70-77.
Connotation Press
Issue VIII, Volume II : May 2010 ( | Guy Jean – Poetry Translated by Ilya Kaminsky)
Cardinal Points Literary Journal: (
Lichtungen, Lyrik aus der Region Outaouais, no. 166, 2021, Graz, Austria, introduction et p.44-49.
Die horen, Neue Literatur aus Québec, no. 279, 2020, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, 140-148.
Many other writings by Guy Jean have been published in the French language in Journals and magazines, Collective works, Anthologies, and Artist Books.These are referenced in the French section under “Publications – Autres”.